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The Poor Will Always Be With Us But We Help The Ones That Want Help!

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Help that no other organization is doing.


GiftofLifeForThePoor provides training that leads the homeless out of poverty by massive training of the ways of the rich.

Statistics show the majority of the homeless do what help to live a higher standard of living.  National Alliance To End Homelessness gives statistics at this link.

Homeless Tent Communities

Tent cities are all over the world.  If someone would care enough to reach out to them.  If only they knew about the training that is now available to them. GiftofLifeForThePoor is going to these tent cities and handing out business cards to our MASSIVE TRAINING and lives are being changed. 



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Closing the gap between the rich and poo
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You can help also!  Please consider making business cards to hand out to the homeless.  The pic to the right is an example of the cards we use to help the homeless.
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